We recommend applying to more than one campus.
Arizona and Louisiana: All applications must be submitted through the online enrollment portal.
Washington, D.C.: All applications must be submitted using the common application at My School DC.
Texas: All applications must be submitted through the online enrollment portal..
Every year, there is an Open Enrollment period for the following school year. Applications submitted during Open Enrollment and outside of Open Enrollment are processed differently.
Please note that the exact Open Enrollment dates and lottery dates are determined on a year-to-year basis.
If you apply during Open Enrollment: If the number of applications received during Open Enrollment exceeds the number of openings (at any grade level), enrollment is determined by a lottery and waitlist. The Open Enrollment period for BASIS Charter Schools is NOT first-come, first-served. Instead, applicants are added to a lottery pool. To be included in the lottery, you need to apply by midnight on the last day of Open Enrollment. After the Open Enrollment period ends, lottery drawings are held. You will receive the results directly from the school(s) you applied to. Families that do not receive an enrollment offer from the lottery will be added to a waitlist.
If you apply outside of Open Enrollment: Applications submitted after the Open Enrollment period has ended will be added to a waitlist and processed on a first-come, first-served basis, following any applications received during Open Enrollment. Schools will continue to make offers to waitlisted applicants as seats become available. There is not a lottery for applications submitted outside of Open Enrollment.
Disclaimer: For questions regarding the lottery and waitlist process in Washington, DC, please see the FAQ at MySchoolDC.org
We recommend completing student enrollment applications during the Open Enrollment period. However, applications are accepted throughout the year.
Please note that the exact Open Enrollment dates and lottery dates are determined on a year-to-year basis. Join our interest list to receive Open Enrollment updates for your school of interest.
Connect with our enrollment teams for AZ, LA, and DC using the options below. For questions regarding Texas enrollment, visit enrollBASIStx.com.
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