Limited seats available for the 2024–2025 school year Apply today!

Limited seats available for the 2024–2025 school year.

International Women in Engineering Day is celebrated every year on June 23. Read our interview with Engineering teacher Laina Moussallem to learn more about her perspective on women in engineering.
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BASIS DC will have a new Head of School in the 2024–25 school year. Learn more about Calvery Cooper and her plans for the DC campus!
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BASIS Phoenix North is opening in Fall 2024! Get to know Head of School Kathryn Kennedy and learn about her plans for the newest BASIS Charter School campus.
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Jared Lamb, Head of School at BASIS Baton Rouge Materra, went viral for trading in his office for a rolling cart. Learn more about Mr. Lamb and his approach to leadership.
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Steven Moinester, Head of Operations at BASIS Peoria Primary, recently published his first children’s book. Learn more about the inspiration behind "Friend I Will Be."
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BASIS Flagstaff teacher Andrew Robarge was interviewed on 93.5 The Legend about his community outreach efforts benefitting Navajo and Hopi communities. Listen to the radio interview here!
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Read our interview with BASIS Peoria teacher Ron Thrasher, who teaches music classes for grades 5–7. Mr. Thrasher discusses the importance of music education and what makes the music program at BASIS Charter Schools unique.
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Andrew Robarge, a history teacher at BASIS Flagstaff, recently organized an impressive firewood drive benefiting Navajo and Hopi communities. Learn more about how he's been getting his students involved in community outreach.
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Meet the two BASIS Charter Schools educators who were nominated for Baton Rouge Parents magazine's "Baton Rouge Family Favorites" award.
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