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Test Taking Strategies to Help Your Child Ace Their Next Exam

Whether your child is facing a spelling test in elementary school or an AP Calculus Exam in high school, test taking can be daunting. Even if your child knows the material, the high-stakes environment of testing may prevent them from doing their best.

At BASIS Charter Schools, testing is an important part of our data-driven approach to education. We frequently test our students throughout the school year to assess their progress and measure the effectiveness of our academic program. Using the insights gleaned from tests, teachers can adjust their lessons to meet their students’ needs.

With the right test taking strategies, you can help your child approach exams with confidence. Here are some testing tips that parents can use to guide their child toward better test performance while reducing test taking anxiety.


Testing tips for K–12 students

The following testing strategies can help students of all ages excel on exams. Share these strategies with your child to get them prepared for their next test!

Understand the format

Understanding the format of an upcoming exam can alleviate some stress and help your child know what to expect. Encourage your child to ask their teacher if their upcoming exam is multiple choice, short answer or essay format. Then, focus on practicing questions that follow that same format.

Create a study schedule

If your child has a big test coming up, help them create a study schedule that gives them enough time to practice the material at a relaxed pace. Having a study plan in place well before the date of the exam can prevent your child from feeling overwhelmed.

Avoid cramming

Last-minute cramming rarely pays off. The American Psychological Association explains that while cramming may help students pass a test the next day, they are unlikely to remember the material long term—meaning that when the next test rolls around, they may end up scrambling again! To avoid a late night, nonstop study session, make sure your child starts preparing for their upcoming test with plenty of time to spare. Additionally, remind your child to take frequent breaks while studying to refresh their focus and reduce stress.

Get plenty of sleep

If your child is tired and groggy on the morning of their big test, they may have a hard time focusing. Avoid this issue by making sure your child gets plenty of sleep the night before a big exam. According to the CDC, elementary school students should get about 9–12 hours of sleep per night, while teenagers should get about 8–10 hours.

Eat a healthy breakfast

Eating breakfast is important every day, but especially on test days! Plan ahead to ensure that your child is able to have a nutritious breakfast on the morning of their test. Similarly, if your child’s test is in the afternoon, make sure they have access to a healthy lunch! Aim for options that are high in protein and low in sugar in order to avoid an energy crash.

Read all questions carefully

Emphasize the importance of reading all questions and instructions carefully. Misunderstanding the instructions of a test can easily lead to mistakes, even if your child understands the material covered on the test!

Tackle easier questions first

When taking a test, it’s important for students to manage their time carefully. One strategy that can help is starting with easier questions before moving on to the more complex questions. Not only does this approach prevent your student from spending too much time on a single question—it also builds their momentum and confidence before tackling more challenging content.

Review answers before submitting the exam

Remind your child to review their answers carefully before they turn in their test. Even quickly scanning over the exam before turning it in can help your child catch errors and notice if they accidentally skipped any questions.


Testing tips for parents

As a parent, here are some things you can do to set your child up for success on test day.

Ensure your child has all the tools they need

Make sure your child has everything they need for a productive study session. Do they need access to a specific practice test, textbook or computer software? Are they missing any important school supplies, like pencils, flashcards or notebooks? Maybe they just need a quiet space where they can study without distractions?

Encourage effective study habits

Work with your child to build positive study habits throughout the year. Teach them about the importance of time management, prioritization, organization and breaking down tasks into smaller, more management chunks. These skills will come in handy as your child prepares for tests.

Stay up to date on classroom happenings

You can’t help your child prepare for a test if you don’t know there’s a test coming up! Stay involved in your child’s education by frequently asking them about their day and reading all communications from your child’s teacher. If you have any questions about an upcoming test or about your child’s score on a previous test, don’t hesitate to reach out to their teacher.

Review past tests with your child

Take the time to review past tests with your child, discussing what went well and what was difficult. How did they feel going into the exam? What types of questions were the most challenging? Keep in mind that your child’s teacher will be happy to guide your child through any hard-to-grasp concepts! At BASIS Charter Schools, students can sign up for individualized tutoring sessions with their teachers before or after school.

Maintain a positive attitude

The last thing you want is for any of your own concerns to rub off on your child before their big test. Leading up to testing day, do your best to model the behaviors you want to instill in your child—confidence, relaxation, determination, etc. Show them that there’s nothing to be afraid of!

We hope these strategies prove useful for you and your student! Remember, no matter how your child ends up doing on their test, it’s important to recognize their efforts. Take a moment to celebrate their successes and let them know that you’re always here to help.

At BASIS Charter Schools, we strive to get our students accustomed to the test taking process from a young age. We focus on teaching our students effective study habits so they can go into each test feeling confident and prepared. Rather than each test being a stress-inducing event for your student, we make testing a regular part of your student’s routine.

By the time your student reaches our rigorous high school program, they’ll be a pro at the best test taking strategies!

To learn more about BASIS Charter Schools and our accelerated K–12 academic program, find a school near you and schedule a tour. We have campuses located in Arizona, Louisiana, Texas and Washington, D.C.

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