Limited seats available for the 2024–2025 school year Apply today!

Limited seats available for the 2024–2025 school year.

A challenge with a purpose

At BASIS Charter Schools, we’ve tested and confirmed something we believed from the start: when faced with a challenge, the vast majority of students will rise to meet it, rather than shrink from it.

In other words, advanced academic achievement is a function of challenging students to:

  • Push themselves.
  • Ask questions and seek help from supportive teachers.
  • Think harder over time about what connects their subject matter.
  • Never shy away from the opportunity to reach their potential.

Designed to Challenge

The unique curriculum at BASIS Texas Charter Schools offers the type of education students receive in top-performing school systems around the world – the type of education American students need to fully participate and lead in the global economy. It is rigorous and accelerated, yet complemented by full support from a knowledgeable and caring faculty.
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Amanda Martinez-Walthall, Director Of Academic Programs