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Charters at the Capitol: Advocating for Charter Schools in Arizona

On February 27, 2024, BASIS Charter Schools participated in the Arizona Charter Schools Association’s annual Charters at the Capitol event.

Held at Wesley Bolin Plaza in downtown Phoenix—just outside of the Arizona State Capitol building—the event celebrates the success of charter schools in the state.

We were proud to have our own BASIS Charter Schools booth at the event, with directors, administrators, and students present.

What is the purpose of the Charters at the Capitol event?

Every year during the Charters at the Capitol event, hundreds of leaders, parents, and students from Arizona’s public charter schools gather together to speak with legislators and highlight their schools’ achievements.

According to the Arizona Charter Schools Association, the purpose of the event is to “encourage legislative support and action for [Arizona’s] charter schools and the students they serve.”

Some of the guest speakers for this year’s event included State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne, State Treasurer Kimberly Yee, and Secretary of State Adrian Fontes.

Why does charter school advocacy matter?

Like traditional public schools, charter schools are publicly funded. However, charter schools in Arizona receive less funding than their district counterparts. According to the 2020 Annual Report of the Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction, charter schools in Arizona receive an average of $1,308 less per-pupil funding than district schools.

The Arizona Charter Schools Association fights for fair funding for charter schools. Events such as Charters at the Capitol provide an opportunity for charter school operators and supporters to advocate for a variety of state policy issues.

Over 230,000 students in Arizona attend charter schools, and charter schools are among the highest performing schools in the state. In fact, 7 of the Top 10 High Schools in Arizona are BASIS Charter Schools, per U.S. News & World Report. To learn more about charter schools in Arizona, read our article “How Do Charter Schools Work in Arizona?”.

BASIS Charter Schools have been educating Arizona students since 1998. Starting with a single school in Tucson, Arizona, our tuition-free, public charter school network now comprises 23 schools across the state. Our K–12 academic program is designed to inspire young minds not just to learn, but to lead, innovate, and shape a bright, globally competitive future. Find a school near you and schedule a tour to learn more.

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