24BED003 BLOG & SM GRAPHIC Future of Education Podcast_v3

Revolutionizing Education: An Interview With BASIS Educational Ventures CEO Peter Bezanson

Peter Bezanson, CEO and Co-Chairman of BASIS Educational Ventures, appeared on two episodes of the Future of Education podcast to discuss how BASIS Charter Schools are transforming the education landscape.

The first episode, titled “How the BASIS Model Is Revolutionizing Education,” aired on January 22, 2024. In the interview, Bezanson shares how BASIS Charter Schools are able to achieve such impressive academic outcomes.

“We knew what we wanted to do in high school. We knew we wanted to prepare students to perform at high levels when they went to college,” says Bezanson. With this goal in mind, BASIS built out a middle school and primary school curriculum that introduced students to above-grade-level work.

In addition to discussing the accelerated nature of the BASIS Charter School Curriculum, Bezanson talks about the network’s commitment to data-driven education. He explains that BASIS relies heavily on test results to measure student success and identify areas where students might be struggling. “Since we’re testing kids often during the school year, we’re able to see where they are and where we need to put resources into their educational improvement,” says Bezanson.

You can listen to the full podcast episode below.

The second episode Bezanson appeared on is titled “Charter School Challenges & Triumphs” and aired on January 23, 2024. In this episode, Bezanson speaks about how charter schools differ from traditional public schools.

One of the biggest differences is the population that charter schools serve. “We don’t choose our students, but our students choose us,” says Bezanson. He explains that because charter schools serve students who opt in, there is an opportunity to provide an education that is more rigorous than traditional public schools. MacKenzie Price, host of the Future of Education podcast, agrees that this distinction is crucial for families who are trying to find a school that better suits their needs.

Check out the conversation by listening to the episode below.

Thank you again to the Future of Education podcast for featuring the BASIS Charter Schools network! To learn more about our high-performing public charter schools, schedule a tour at a campus near you.

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